Oral Language Timetable

We have oral language (sharing) straight after lunch on Monday-Thursday. Every child will have an opportunity to share something that is important to them with the class. If a child chooses to bring a toy or item to school they are responsible for it. I am happy to have special items on my desk for the day but if it is very precious I suggest bringing a photo might be a better idea! 

Children should come prepared to talk about their sharing. It would be great if parents could have a chat prior to their day so they have some ideas of what they would like to tell us.

 A list of children in each group is displayed in the classroom and they will be in the same group for the rest of the year. Their sharing day will change each week.

Term timetable:

 Week...  1     2  3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11 
Monday  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers
Tuesday Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders
Wednesday Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds
Thursday Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees Grasshoppers Spiders  Ladybirds Bees